Understanding the Partial Process
- A dental team member will escort you back and take x-rays.
- Your doctor will perform a comprehensive oral evaluation and develop a treatment plan for your individual needs.
- Once your needs have been established, the dental team will discuss price ranges, materials and tooth colors with you.
- You may be scheduled back for preparation at a later date, depending on your needs.
- You will be scheduled for a Dental Hygiene visit prior to treatment or on day of treatment.
- A dental team member will escort you back to the operatory.
- The dental team will be available to answer your questions.
- The dental team will take your custom tooth shading.
- Your doctor will prepare your teeth for your partial.
- Impressions will be taken.
- Your impressions will be taken to your doctor and the dental laboratory for approval.
- After you visit the cashier for payment, you must wait until the lab processes your impression to check for accuracy.
- Patient Administration will then release you, and confirm the time of your next appointment.
- You will return for your Cast Partial Denture delivery in 3 weeks.
- You will return for your Flexible Partial Denture delivery the next day.
- A dental team member will escort you back to the operatory.
- Your Cast Partial Denture (metal) framework will be tried in.
- Your bite will be checked and any other necessary impressions will be taken.
- In about two hours, you will be seated again for a try-in of the new partial. At the try-in, the doctor will check your bite and assist you in previewing the set-up of the teeth.
- Later that afternoon, your partial will be finished and adjusted as necessary.
- You will be given specific instructions for care of your partial.
- Please note that even if your impressions were sent to the lab first, you may not be the first patient released.
- A dental team member will escort you back to the operatory.
- Your Flexible Partial Denture will be inserted and any necessary adjustments made.
- You will be given specific instructions for care of your partial.
Relax and enjoy your beautiful new smile!